Thursday, July 13, 2006

Why comment spam is dumb - attention quick cash webmasters!

I am starting to believe that Google does more than simply not follow “nofollow” links. I think that they may look at the percentage of nofollow links a site recieves and if it is greater than X %, the site is considered spammy.

If that is the case, one has to wonder if a “nofollow” link actually works as a vote against a site. After all, if you are saying with the nofollow tag “I don’t trust this link”, the search engines may decide they don’t want to trust that site, either. article about comment spam.

So... with comment spam you're actually indexing your site out of the game, if I've understood article correctly.

Nice work, maybe it would be time for webmasters to find REAL marketing tactiques for promoting their click-thru shit, instead of "quick cash" bots, which are only ruining internet and causing loads of "ghost" traffic.

EH? :(

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