Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Cheater’s Guide to Writing Great Headlines

Imagine the life of the copywriter . . . a solitary figure staring intently at a computer screen (or out the window), flexing those mental muscles to create a killer headline out of thin air that will result in millions of dollars in sales.

Well, maybe not.

A more likely scenario has the copywriter looking for inspiration in her collection of winning space ads, sales letters and even the latest issue of Cosmo. She’ll also consult books that consist of nothing more than collections of headlines proven to work.

Hmm... interesting theory, because I just read story about how to write succesfull "digg" stories. Not gaming with, but writing stories which gets loads of diggs. I guess it's all question about writing catchy headlines, I'm not really good with it, so... hell YEAH! Soon this weblog will be buzzing of new visitors, aliens reading about youtube and fashinating stories about guerilla marketing. People will go bezerk and I simply say... "pwned".

Read whole article here.

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