Saturday, May 8, 2010

Facebook leaks our IP addresses and current geo-locations.

Via Binary Intelligence:

"Facebook has nice email notifications whenever a friend comments on your status, sends you a message, or a variety of other reasons. The emails have subjects similar to "John Doe commented on your wall post." The unfortunate thing is that this email also appears to contain John Doe's (or your other friend's) IP address.


You will get the IP address of your friend and clicking on it will get a geolocation-based map. This will also show you if your friend used their cell phone to post and who they use as their service provider."

Of course Facebook seems to have plenty of other privacy issues, but this is really ridiculous. I'm not really fancy about idea of all my Facebook friends to know my current location. Well they know now, if they really want and the actual problem is: I can't really do anything about it, I can't change my privacy settings for fixing this problem. Thanks Facebook, again.

Whole story:

Binary Intelligence: Facebook Leaks IP Addresses

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