Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Testing featuredusers.com banner campaign.

I invested 10 $ quite spontaneously, dunno why, maybe too much time on internet and I thought to recycle 6 $ I got from weblo.com :) .

Anyway... I got 1000 impressions for 10 $ and there is still more than 900 left. So far this test had got me 2 new followers.

If you want to try featuredusers.com, please use my referral link:


Banner ads are shown in several twitter focused sites, most of my ads has been shown in twibes.com, secrettweet.com, friendorfollow.com

Good luck! :)

fyi... 7 more to go and I got my first 100 followers @ twitter. I have fairly passive strategy, so I guess it is ok result so far...


  1. Ok. There is 500 impressions left, 5 new followers, so each follower has cost me 1 $.

  2. Ok. 0 impressions left, 14 clicks via featuredusers.com ad.

    Now I have 99 followers, so campaign got me total of 8 new followers, cost was more than 1 $ per follower.

    Result wasn't really good. :D
