Friday, December 10, 2010

Openleaks? Probably a hoax. (Update: It is really happening)

I saw news about Openleaks on finnish Yle newsite. Source was swedish Dagens Nyheter. Quick search on google gave result only of one article, which referred to same Dagens Nyheter story. was tweeting 44 mins ago, "site coming soon". So nothing else, only source being swedish Dagens Nyheter and right now I really wouldn't believe anything what swedish media is trying to push out regarding Wikileaks.

This thing smells and pretty badly. If there was rumours about WikiLeaks being CIA operation, more likely I would bet my money that Openleaks really is something fishy, related to CIA operations. Why Dagens Nyheter article is written in english, since they normally write in swedish? Use google translate for reading comments there, most of them are in swedish and comments are really suspicious about the whole news.

Why Wikileaks group would split right now? There is nearly 1,200,000 supporters on Facebook and everything is going forward, despite of US goverment enormous pressure.

So... I would say, Openleaks is hoax, don't believe in it. - Who is query leads to Berlin, Germany. - DN is biggest newspaper in Sweden.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wikileaks - collected blog and news links until 6.12.2010.


Here are collected blog and news links related to Wikileaks and Julius Assange:

Other (DNS issues etc.): , related to Wikileaks Domain pulled by everyDNS.


6.12.10 CrunchGear : Does Wikileaks Represent The End Of Internet History?

6.12.10 : Glenn Greenwald - The lawless Wild West attacks WikiLeaks

6.12.10 TechLiberation : Some thoughts on Cablegate

6.12.10 RAWStory: Revealed: Assange ‘rape’ accuser linked to notorious CIA operative

6.12.10 TNW: Wikileaks Now Running on Over 300 Domains

4.12.10 FDL: Assange Accuser Worked with US-Funded, CIA-Tied Anti-Castro Group

4.12.10 Political Tidbits: Wikileaks’ Julius Assange: hero or heel?

News (& blogs):

6.12.10 Guardian : Wikileaks cables: US fights flow of arms from eastern Europe to its enemies

6.12.10 CNET: Feds block workers from WikiLeaks, mirror sites

6.12.10 Guardian: Live with the WikiLeakable world or shut down the net. It's your choice

Most news sites have their special wikileaks-themesite, so I'm not covering here hundreds of wikileaks news articles, check for example Guardian, El Pais, Le Monde, NY Times, Der Spiegel etc.


Guardian: US embassy cables: browse the database

Wikileaks: Cable Viewer

All published cables can be found from Wikileaks mirrors



There is also plenty of Wikileaks stuff on torrent networks, google for 'wikileaks torrent'.