Sunday, November 30, 2008

TwiTip - Twitter Tips in 140 Characters or More.

If you are using Twitter and you are seriously interested for getting your internet business to bloom, I recommend to check this blog.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Catchy headlines create loads of diggs, but we allways end up with same problem.

Do you check link before digging it? Or how you make your decision about digging something?

My strong guess is that most diggers make decision by the headline, if it is catchy, you will digg it.

My strong opinion, there is nowadays too many "top x sites regarding subject y" and other listings. Don't digg them, unless they are really offering something NEW.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Monetizing social media : The money to be made is in small purchases.

Lazysupper: the point is:

make it simple.
make it cheap.

it’s like with iPhone apps. iTunes has my data, all i do is enter my password. and i don’t download many apps north of $10, but the stupid crap for 99 cents… why not? it’s less than a Snickers. the money to be made is in small purchases.

More on, scroll down for Lazysuppers comment.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

10 Ways to Make Press Releases More SEO Friendly

What can you do to set your press release apart from the pack and allow your target audience to find you? Implement the use of search engine optimization, or SEO.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Add digg button to blogger.

You can use instructions give here, but search string "data:post.body" instead of one mentioned in linked article.

You can look example on my other blog.